Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Meat or chicken, (cooked, and cut into small pieces)
Fresh or smoked fish
Palm oil
Tomatoes optional
pepper 'dried'
onion (ground or chopped)
maggi cubes.
ground ogbono,use as much as the thickness desired.
ground pepper
Vegetable 'ugwu' optional
Okro 'optional'
  1. place a pot on fire and add a palm oil needed to cook the soup and add the ogbon. stir very well to avoid any lump. set aside and put another pot on fire. put water in the pot and add the dried pepper, cooked meat, fish, ponmo, onions and allow to cook for at least 5 - 7 mins.
  2. Meanwhile, mix the ground ogbono with the palm oil and add to the boiling mixture, stirring very well to avoid lumps.
  3. Add the seasoning and if you desire to add okro and vegetable, you may add it now
  4. Cook on medium heat for 15 -20 minutes or until desired thickness.
okro, bitter-leaf, ugwu, okazie, can be added to the ogbono 10 minutes before it is cooked. But if you use okro, leave longer. It takes longer time to cook. The most important thing about adding these leaves is to make the soup more tasty and nutritious.

Serve with tuwo, funfun, eba, amala, garri, fufu or even pounded yam

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